We tried to stay out of the sun for most of the run but found ourselves overheating towards the end. Tough 16 miles but Trevor and Camelia pulled me in. Nice to see Swasi (sp?) join the group. Rusty ran the bridge while on his way to a 17 miler - wow. Hope next week will be cooler!
What a day! I had the weirdest pains and aches during this run, plus I ran out of fluids before the last 3 miles(big mistake).
During the run, a discussion came up about the best post run recovery drink. Some people use with good results Slim Quick (!)or various other drinks with 4:1 carb/protein ratio. I use Endurox R4, which is very low in fat, has carbs/proteins and electrolytes, and does not upset my stomach. The key to postrun nutrition is to have it within 30 minutes post run, since this is the optimal time for the muscle to replenish glycogen stores and repair itself with high quality proteins. Excellent info about recovery nutrition can be found at McMillan running http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/runrr.htm
I ran the running leg of an adventure triathlon (we were 11th overall). It was nice to get some miles in the mountains, but I didn't get in the entire 16 on my schedule (I also got sick while I was up there). Wish I had run with you guys. I need to get back on track this weekend.
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