Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Next Up

Okay, I've just signed up for Myrtle Beach Marathon. Who's next?

Also, who's going to the track tonight?


sellersmj said...

Question..Is the track open to anyone at anytime?

JM said...

The track located at Mt. Pleasant Town Hall (where our Tuesday crowd meets) is generally open to the public at all times.

Gordon Nicholson said...

Will be at track...may do the half at Myrtle - depends on Kiawah.

sldotter said...

I will let you guys know about myrtle beach after vacation. Lets see how much I eat on the cruise and how slow I am when I get back!

What kind of pace you looking for at MB John?

RT said...

i'm signed up...for the half. See you all Sunday.

JM said...

Trevor - I'd love to shave those seven minutes off of my MCM time. Not sure that's realistic.