Friday, March 27, 2009

Mid Week Pick-Me-Up

Gordon and I tried out a Thursday lunchtime speed session at the Citadel Track. Pros: nice weather, no crowds. Cons: midday temps are climbing up there, and it ain't the greatest track around. Still, I wouldn' mind trying to keep this workout going.

Since I'll be handing out bananas and bagels at the Bridge Run, I'm up for a long run (12-14) on Sunday. But those racing next Saturday may opt for something shorter. What do folks want to shoot for?


Gordon Nicholson said...

Looking at 8-10...hope the weather is ok!

RT said...

~10 sounds good to me. Maybe could squeak out 12. Hopefully, majority of rain will past through tonight.

Cami said...

You guys have fun. I am on call, and I am going to squeeze in one hour super fast finish progression run that is in my program. Hopefully we will communicate before next Saturday.