Monday, April 13, 2009

B2B and other 2009 targets

Hi All !

I will be back in Chas from about mid-May. Still have no summer job so hopefully lots of running and tris to keep me sane.

Trevor - I don't know if you (or others) plan on doing B2B again - but looks like a good end of season target for me and will also be 5 years since last ironman so keen to see if I can beat my time 5 years on....

Anybody else got this one in their plans ?

I'm keen to run a fast Marathon too - I've never trained specifically for the distance as a run on asphalt alone - want to set a decent PB before I get too old !! What are some fast courses for PBs about Sept time ?

Cheers for now


sldotter said...

Good to hear from you! I am not doing b2b this year in favor of running the marine corp marathon. I know that John, Gordon, and I have signed up and Rusty was on the fence with that one. I am sure you could find a sept marathon to run though. Look forward to seeing you out again. I am out this sunday again do to the east cooper tri then I will be back next week.

Gordon Nicholson said...

Hey Swaz we were just wondering about you on the Sunday run? Look forward to talking to you soon.