Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Question and a Correction

What are folks planning to run on Sunday? I've got a really long one scheduled (24 miles) and I'm thinking about running a few before we begin at 6:30. That would work if anyone else is planning to run 18 or so.

There is a correction from my previous post: Rusty placed 3rd (not 4th) in his age group in Omaha. That's a top three finish in the Omaha Half Marathon! (Read it again).


Cami said...

Great accomplishment for Rusty!
I wish him getting faster and faster!

Anonymous said...

i will probably do 17 or 18. ricky

RT said...

Thanks, again. The fastest Masters guy was in my age group, so his award left the next 3 of us getting the age-group awards.

i'm out w the flu last night and today, so not sure if i'll be out tomorrow. If so, i'll give 15-18 a try. Hope to see you all at 6:30.

JM said...

Rusty, I think I speak for all of us when I say that if you have the flu today, go ahead and take tomorrow off. I say this for two reasons: (1) you clearly need to recover, and (2) I do not wish to get the flu.