Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good luck to our Marine Corps Marathoners

Wanted to wish all of you well and good luck! Marine Corps marathon is just around the corner.
I know that all your hard work and determination will pay off. Some of you are veterans, some of you are at their first marathon ever. You've worked hard in the heat and humidity of Charleston' summer, and now you will reaping the reward.

So, have a great run, great weather and fun!. Come back home with PRs, and do not forget the post race celebration. I heard that Annie is buying beer for everybody.

As far as the rest of us, will keep it going on Sunday- the three of us Rusty, Swaz and myself will be there on Sunday at 7 am sharp. We will be following the race (no pressure).


Gordon Nicholson said...

Thanks! I owe Trevor a beer so getting one from Annie will be great!

BTW Congrats on breaking 20 mins last weekend!

Unknown said...

I join in the best wishes for achieving your marine corps marathon goals. the latest forecast here in Va calls for 42 going to 57 with no precip. hope that holds for you.
let me give you my cell in case you need help, get stuck etc.

bill menda

RT said...

Hi everyone. Best wishes for a successful and enjoyable MCM. Sounds from Bill like it should be beautiful weather. We'll look forward to your successes. Enjoy the trip and post-race fun.

Cami - congratulations on the sub-20!! All that endurance and speed work are paying off. Keep up the great work.

JM said...

Thanks Cami, thanks everyone. We'll be thinking about you guys on Sunday morning. I'll see if we can send you some dispatches from the race.

Swaz said...

Above all - Make sure you have fun !!

Let's go out and celebrate when you all get back!

Cami said...

Thanks all !!!
I agree with Swaz- this will deserve a big celebration. Keep it up!Gordon, Trevor, Annie, John and everyone else: aim high. Accomplishing your goals and dreams is closer than you think.