Thursday, November 26, 2009

Trying to train at 8000 feet...

With the roads in the neighbourhood covered in snow, the safest place to run is on the trails where no attempt has been made to clear the snow - so there's no lethal ice. It's pretty heavy going wherever it's deep and I've only managed about a 9'30" pace on my long run.
Hill repeats are no problem. Start at 8000 feet and run/fast walk up 7 minutes at a time up to 10,000 feet - running downhill for 25 minutes home is kind of fun....
Only managed 3 runs since I got here - hope the Altitude effect is going to carry me through Kiawah, because I'm about 2 weeks behind my schedule.
Will try and snap some pics from a training run or two. Miss you guys :)

1 comment:

Gordon Nicholson said...

Let's see some more pictures when you are on the run!