Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sunday August 3rd - long run

Just trying to get an idea on the turn out for this sunday? Lots of people out of town.


sldotter said...

I will be there. 6:30 for the standard 12 unless someone changes the route

JM said...

I will not be there. My wife is out of town and I'll be with the girls.

Swaz said...

Will try to make it, Gordon. I may peel off part way through. 7 miles is the furthest I've run for a while


Swaz said...

Gordon, How do I post a message to this blog ?

(Not very smart at this stuff)

Wondered if there was any demand for a fartlek type of run possibly later in the week ?

Gordon Nicholson said...

swaz - I'll get your email tomorrow and JM can send you an invite.

Anonymous said...

I plan on being there.