Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday Run

Things were a little bit cooler (all things being relative) on Sunday. After getting slightly turned around on our 3 mile warm up, we did a 12 miler downtown. BTW Jenny, the half way point is Marion Square.

We were trying to remember the race Gordon had been in the day before. A quick search of the internet (yes, big brother is watching you) revealed that he had run in the Beamsville Bench 5K at the East Dell Estates Winery. Both the race's title and location raise immediate questions. Also, the website's handy elevation map makes it clear that Gordon's parting suspicion was confirmed. He had, in fact, been consigned to hilly race. The sites goes so far as to describe it as a "Beautiful scenic, challenging 2 loop course". Translation: Your legs will be crying.

The weather report indicates that things might not be too sweltering tomorrow night. See everyone at the track.


sldotter said...

Yeah I looked up the results and Gordon had a pretty good run! Two loop course and he had identical times on both loops, and he said he had trouble keeping the km splits. Mr. Consistency.

Gordon Nicholson said...

It was a good race - I went out too slow and my Dad had to pass me so I would wake up. The weather was nice and I actually passed people on the hills. The last hill was a killer though. The chip timing was a little off though because they set the mat back from the finish line? My dad took first in his age group and got a bottle of wine. Though a 70 year old beat him!