Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Track Night

Not a bad crowd at the track. Most folks opted for slow 800's, with some doing slower mile repeats. Folks are chomping at the bit to lengthen these things out a bit, once the cooler weather arrives. A number of people mentioned putting Kiawah Marathon on their calendars.

Any more thoughts for Sunday?


Gordon Nicholson said...

I'm ok with 14-15...What if we went up King or down King again that was fun. We need to establish pick up points as well like Marion Square and the JR fountain.

sldotter said...

I will be gone again this sunday. I am going to run down the beach at edisto on Sunday.

Gordon Nicholson said...

Not sure if I will make it as it looks like I've picked up a nasty cold...hit or miss.

RT said...

i'm hoping to be there and stay up, pager & phone in tow. 15 sounds good - downtown loop ? w King St like Gordon suggested? See you at 6:30.