Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Trying to get a regular weekly fartlek session going either a Thursday am/pm or Friday am.
This will be a 1 to 1.5 hour session with some hills (i.e bridges, parking lots, stairs) some quicker flat efforts and some different surfaces (grass / sand when we can find it) to break up the ever present asphalt and build a little muscular endurance.

With the oncoming sure-to-be-toasty summer perhaps early mornings is not a bad idea - although this week I'm gunning for 5:30pm on Thursday from Holy Cow Yoga or alternatively later pick up about 5:50pm at Cannon Park (the dog park ?), cnr Rutledge and Calhoun.

Connecting pace between efforts will be easy - similar to our Sunday long run. Drop me a comment if you'd like to take part and what day time would best suit your schedule ?


Gordon Nicholson said...

Thursday...early on the greenway works for me and then late after 7pm on the big bridge?
Friday early is tough...but could work.

sldotter said...

I could try to work in different times. Am any day but wed.

Swaz said...

Maybe Thursday morning next week, anyone ? Bueller ? Anyone ? What time - 7am work for anyone ?

Not running this afternoon :( Started swim camp last night and pulled my left gastrox - going to try and rest it until Sunday.